♱ FUCK THE WHAT??????!!!!!!!!!!! ♱
Now. You may say, "He's ugly!" "He's creepy!" "HE'S LITERALLY THE DEVIL!!!!!!!"
Well no shit xwx He is indeed all of those things... but I love him for all of that. And everything else about him... I love everything about him!!!!!!


LOVE?!?!? Nahhh!!!!! I am CARNAL for him. I return to human primal ROOTS when I see him and think of him. Not a damn piece of love in my heart.
I'll █████ ████ ██████ ██ ███ ███████ ya know. I'll █████ ████ ██████ ██ ███ ███████ real fun.

Oi, you know. I see anime Fyodor and manga Fyodor as separate entities. He isn't the same person. I am in love with and fascinated by both of them the exact same amount for extremely different reasons. He's my bab. My beautiful, seductive, angelic manga Fyodor.... and my crusty greasy stinky anime Fyodor mean so much to me. Did I mention how many Fyodor plushies I have? Five (Which isn't comparable to some people but know that I am classed below the bottom of poverty,,,)